Nurmijärvi, Suomi-Finland

Nurmijärvi is a village and the most populated rural municipality of Finland located 37 km north of the capital Helsinki. Nurmijärvi literally means "lawn lake" although the lake that gave the municipality its name was drained in the early 20th century and is now nothing more than some flat fields near the village centre.Nurmijärvi is best known as the birthplace of Finland's national author, Aleksis Kivi (1834-1872).

Nurmijärvi on Suomen kunta, joka sijaitsee Uudenmaan maakunnassa, Etelä-Suomen läänissä.
Info from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The sender (Rina) of the card wrote bout the coat of arms:
These boys are "Seven Brothers" and come from the book with the same name. The writer is famous Aleksis Kivi, he was born in Nurmijärvi too [like myself].

FI 27913

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